Greetings, Patriots! Children of Liberty has been updated to version EX4. In this version are high priority bug fixes and features that assist bug tracking.

New features:

  • Investigating known issues: extra details in bug report auto-description for a few issues
  • Prevent other known issues from causing the bug report form to auto-open on exit, until they can be addressed

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the gate not going up upon hitting the switch
  • Fixed a bug with error text printout in the bug report form
  • Fixed checkpoint text jittering
  • Fixed main menu up/down selection while bug report link selected
  • Fixed a few blue line corner triggers that had bad dash targets
  • Failsafe and bug tracking for other potential cause of crashes upon blue line turning

Known issues and their statuses:

  • Joseph sometimes fails to notice when he lands on the ground. This is a physics settings problem. We have to test and get reports from multiple settings configurations in order to determine the best settings, particularly for low-end systems. Please bear with us through these physics bugs.
  • When the corner of Joseph’s hitbox attempts to move through the corner of an obstacle’s hitbox, Joseph’s landing sequence triggers every frame. This is a problem with Joseph’s hitbox, and also with landing handling. Most games incorporate some amount of leeway in the programming to account for this, so that the player can make some jumps that appear feasible (and rightly should be) but aren’t. Also, Joseph’s hitbox consists of multiple boxes right now, from an old attempt at crouching/crawling changing hitbox size. Both of these things will be fixed in a few versions.
  • Landing on a Redcoat doesn’t knock him down. Status: investigating.
  • Joseph can whack downed Redcoats. Status: hilarious. Solution found. To be fixed in a few versions.
  • Sometimes peeking and/or turning on the blue line crashes the game. Status: failsafe needs testing.
  • Report: At the first fork, it’s possible to get off-track by pushing Up in a certain place(s). Status: investigating.
  • Sometimes after respawning, Joseph is stuck in midair, likely not where he should spawn. Status: fixed some checkpoints, needs testing.
  • Joseph sometimes fails to notice when he lands on the ground. Status: needs testing.
  • Report: death without triggering death sequence, maybe. Status: haven’t investigated
  • When the corner of Joseph’s hitbox attempts to move through the corner of an obstacle’s hitbox, Joseph’s landing sequence triggers every frame. Status: solutions found, will be fixed in several versions.

    Thank you all again for your patience, support, and enthusiasm! You are all helping us build a better game day by day.

    – Dan

Via:: Children of Liberty News